
Shrewsbury Evangelical Church is based in the Springfield Estate area of Shrewsbury. We are made up of people from a wide range of ages and backgrounds.


Welcome to Shrewsbury Evangelical Church

We love and trust the Lord Jesus Christ and we believe that the Bible is God’s Word to us. We rely on it to teach us what to believe and how to live. Our aim is to listen to God’s Word and follow what it teaches.

Map showing Shrewsbury Evangelical Church - click to visit full maps and location

To our neighbours on Mereside and the locality:

We invite all who live locally to join with us on Sundays in worship and to hear the Gospel, the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ being preached. In a world that is full of insecurity and uncertainties there is still only one consistent and steadfast security and that is found in the message of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

What is the Gospel?

The Gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ died for your sins and mine died and rose again triumphing over His enemies so that there is now no longer condemnation for those who believe in Him but the knowledge of a clean conscience and a right heart with God.

Have you made your peace with God?

The Bible is very clear that we can only make peace with God while we are in this life, before death and then eternity. Christ provides the way to God, Hebrews 9.27   'Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment..' but God in His mercy has provided a way back to us from this fearful judgement - 1 Tim.1.12 states:  'Christ Jesus came in to the world to save sinners'. 

There is nothing that is more important than to give time to considering your standing with God and making your peace with Him

Will you give time to explore these very personal issues and come to hear the word of God preached this year?

We pray that you will - again I repeat 'Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners'.

We look forward to welcoming you among us in the coming weeks and months.

Gareth Evans
Minister, SEC  

Contact details: gareth67824@hotmail.com or phone 07870 847672.

The meetings over the week starting 9th February 2025:

Wednesday 12th February @7.30pm, Prayer and Bible Study ;

Thursday 13th February, Ladies' Prayer Meeting @10am and Children's Bible Study Group @4.15pm;

Next Sunday 16th February 2025, our services will be conducted by Pastor G Evans at 10.30am and 4.30pm. The Lord's Supper will follow the afternoon service.    

All our midweek meetings are all held at members’ homes. Please contact us to find out more.


Sermon recordings:

Sermons that were preached more than twelve months ago are held in our archive. If you wish to find a sermon that's been deleted from our website please contact us and we will gladly let you have access to a copy.

This page was last updated at 9:30am on Monday 10th February 2025.